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Johannes. Born and breed in Swedish Bergslagen. Blondest person most everywhere I go. 



Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

My Work


Development worker, navy sargeant, teacher with an MSc in Political Science and Asian Studies. What next...?

Get in touch


I am happy to connect with people to hear new stories, experiences and ideas. Do not hesitate to get in touch with me via the contact form

Read the blog

A blog can be a good way to communicate thoughts and ideas on differnt matters, for example to that being reported in the news. The started in the first half of 2015 and deal with most anything that I come across and find worth delving further into. Its prime focus is the politics of international development (or aid) issues and Sweden's role therein. For now it carries a bias towards Cambodian challenges in graduating from its least developed country status but also includes book reviews, video clips and more trivial observations. Built in on is also the archive from my previous blog, Back to Cambodia still hosted by Wordpress. Wit the last entries from mid-2013 at the top posts run back to my second trip to Cambodia in 2011 when I started working for Forum Syd in Phnom Penh. While Back to Cambodia has some texts most content is photos and thoughts on daily life as an expat in a tropical least developed country, its challenges and joys. 


Get the news 

Nare essential in making sense of the world we live in. A web-test once labelled me a news-junkie. Well deserved I might add. Whatsoever, news are important. Period. currently links to two online English-speaking newspapers. One with Swedish news, another with a focus on Cambodia. Have a quick look at the Back to Cambodia blog and the reason for the two countries' presence should be obvious. 


The Local gives you up to date Swedish news in English on politics, lifestyle, education, sports, opinion pieces and travel and tourist information and much more for your stay in Sweden.


The Phnom Penh Post is, together with the Cambodia Daily the two leading English-speaking newspapers in Cambodia allowing you an insight in the affairs of this least developed country on a range of topics. Hint,  the police blotter is an excellent source for horrific as well as sometimes hillarious recordings of criminal activities committed by locals or foreigners without much, if any, censoring.

Get your Swedish news here from









Get your Cambodian news here from


Curating the world artfully

Below are a few photos of different places from times of travel. For more photos visit the gallery

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